Saturday, March 1, 2025

Genesis Part 2 - Humanity

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26

God had done it. The Artist put upon His canvas a beautiful background of the starry heavens above, the sky, water, and ground. He filled the earth with amazing, unique, beautiful, and strange creatures to fly through the sky, swim through the waters, and tread upon the earth. But all of that beautiful backdrop was just a setting for his most amazing creation: Humanity.

Unlike all the other creatures on the earth humans would be something special. Not just amazing beings dreamt up from God’s great imagination, but something worthy of God’s companionship, friendship, creatures to walk with God Himself.

The Greek Philosophers defined the difference between humans and other creatures as mankind having a divine spark, a fragment of God. The Hebrew word for the human soul is Neshama. God breathed a part of Himself into us when we were created. Our ability to reason, comprehend, fashion and shape objects, and to become artists like the Great Artist Himself all comes from that divine spark. Though we are not God, we are godlike because He made us like Himself.

If we ever get a full revelation of the fact of our godlikeness we will have a better understanding of much of what follows in the Bible.

So God created mankind in his own image,

    in the image of God he created them;

    male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

So we have this perfect garden set within a perfect creation. Then God makes humans in His image/likeness. Everything is going very well. What happens next has been a question for theologians to debate for centuries. 

God gave humans free will. We have the ability to decide things for ourselves apart from God’s will. He could have made humans into robot-like creatures who simply did everything they were told. But He wanted beings to interact with Him, to be companions who could choose and reason. People who could decide to worship God and be part of His family.

Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 2:8-9

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” Genesis 2:15-17

All Adam and Eve had to do was take care of the Garden of Eden and enjoy being with God. The only rule they had to follow was to leave a single tree alone within the Garden of Eden.

I do not believe God was shocked when Adam and Eve ate fruit from the forbidden tree. God was “playing 3D Chess” as it were. He was many moves ahead and had already prepared for what was to come and how He would see humanity ultimately placed into a position worthy of full fellowship with Himself.

God at some distant point in the past had dealt with one rebellion already. A being called Lucifer had turned against God and led astray a number of angels in a revolt against God. (Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 12:3-4). Humanity’s rebellion against God’s law would come early and their redemption would unfold in an elaborate plan that is woven throughout the Bible and culminates in the arrival, life, death, and resurrection of God Himself on earth in the Person of Jesus. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit would work to save humanity from the fate of an ultimate death and separation from the Creator.

Something I want to touch on regarding our likeness to God is how closely it is connected to God’s anger, His great wrath toward sin. There are sins we commit against God personally, acts of rebellion, misusing His Name, and acting in an ungodly manner. But God is equally as angry toward the sins we commit against each other.

When we sin against each other, mistreat or abuse each other in numerous ways, we are hurting a godlike being. God takes such actions personally. Because we are made in God’s image our sins are an insult to God’s holiness and perfection. God did not create us to wallow in filth like hogs, or to maim and kill each other. Such actions bring on God’s wrath and judgment.


Jesus came to earth to free us of our tendency to sin. Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice to re-establish the relationship we had with God in the Garden of Eden. And to move beyond that early stage of humanity to become members of God’s family through a new relationship, a Covenant between ourselves and God made through our acceptance of Jesus as the atonement for our sinfulness.

God the Creator of everything made mankind to join Him in the heavenly realm. It began on earth as an elaborate plan that would unfold over thousands of years. God had this story written in His mind before the first page of Genesis was ever recorded. He knew what He was doing. Our Sovereign God in His kindness and mercy not only made us, He wants us to be with Him in an eternal Holy relationship. God made us to be like Him and with Him forever. No wonder we praise, worship, and love our Lord.

Prayer: dear Lord, in Your amazing grace you created humanity knowing we would be weak and sinful, and yet You chose us to become like You and to dwell with You forever. Thank You for Your Love and Mercy which is beyond our full comprehension. Bless You Lord, we will praise You eternally. Amen.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Genesis Part 1 - Creation

 Genesis Part 1 - Creation

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Years ago God pressed me to watch a documentary by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Now I would just about rather go to the dentist than sit through a long-winded documentary by a blowhard atheist or agnostic that works hard at pushing science above the God that made heaven and earth. To say such people are fools is not name calling, it’s the title God gives them:

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good. Psalm 14:1

Yet, since I felt God nudging me to do so I watched the show. As expected, Mr. deGrasse had very strong arguments and reasoning that “sounded” smart and convincing. Yet I knew the Who and Why of God’s Creation. I have been reading my Bible since boyhood. And I had my own way of reasoning outside of Mr. deGrasse and his high-sounding arguments.

Intuition. Common Sense. Experience. Intuition can be something that arises from our common humanity. A sixth sense that can warn us of unseen danger, or drives our convictions and beliefs. Intuition can, and often does, come from God through the Holy Spirit. And the longer you live as a Christian in fellowship with God the stronger that heavenly Intuition becomes in your life. 

Then we have Common Sense. Common Sense is the simple logic of the obvious. A complex creation must have a complex Creator. When too many so-called accidents do not add up, then you look for a more obvious explanation. For instance, even hearing and vision involve complex systems tied together in both humans and animals to work properly. How many “endless accidents” are necessary to make even one of those things work correctly? I have long thought that it takes far more “faith” to believe in a creator-less evolution than an Intelligent Creator. My Common Sense defies a godless creation. It is simply unreasonable. While I believe it is possible God used Evolution in the process of creation, I do not think it was necessary that God needed such a process. God has the power to make anything and everything in ways we still cannot fully comprehend. 

When we see a hawk or eagle fly overhead, watch a deer moving gracefully along a fence line, or step outside on a cold winter’s night and see the stars gleaming like diamonds across the night sky–in the depths of our souls we know there was a Maker for all that’s made. This involves both Intuition and Common Sense.

For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Romans 1:19-20

When God had Moses write down the book of Genesis the explanation of creation was geared toward all of humanity. From the simple shepherd and dirt farmer thousands of years ago to modern humans today. God kept Genesis simple on purpose. He could have defined physics, geology, microbiology, mathematics, etc., in the Book of Genesis, but that was not its purpose. We are given the basics of creation and then the Bible moves quickly into the purpose of creation–us.

The creation reveals a Creator. Pagans saw the creation and rather than understanding the creation was the canvas that God painted upon revealing something of Himself, our pagan ancestors created gods in the image of the creations, animals, reptiles, birds, etc. Today, those who deny God have set up new gods of Science and Knowledge reveling in their pride rather than humbly acknowledging the God who made them. Scientists of all types who refute and reject God carefully study what He has made and are without excuse for their unbelief. Of course some scientists are Christians and they are doubly blessed because they get to study the mysteries of how God created things while fully appreciating that He is the God who mastered nature.

My third tier in ways of knowing is Experience. For a Christian like myself who has lived on this earth over sixty years Experience plays a big part in how we believe and why we believe in God. There was a man not long ago talking to me about preachers. He was not a believer and was expounding upon the fact that he had never seen a miracle, implying that God must not be real any more than miracles are real. He paused, expecting my agreement. Instead, I told him I had seen God do miracles.  I launched into just some of the miracles I had seen God do in my life to his astonishment. I have too much experience at seeing God work in my life and the lives of others to be an unbeliever. I have both seen and believe. But the fact is when you start down this path of faith in God, Experience comes after that initial Intuition, faith, that God is, and the Common Sense that we are not a freak of nature but created beings made by a Creator.

The Creation, the universe, planets, water, sea creatures, plant life, birds and mammals, these preceded us. Yet they were merely the groundwork for the pinnacle of God’s creation with a plan in motion that would only fully be revealed over millennia.

Prayer: Dear Lord, as we study and learn more about Your creation and its process help us to handle such knowledge with humility. For it is with humility and awe that Your beautiful artwork should be experienced. Thank you for everything in the heavens and on earth that you made for us! Amen.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Getting Real About Religion

He has told you, O man, what is good;

    and what does the Lord require of you

but to do justice, and to love kindness,

    and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

I think for many of those outside of the Church looking in that Christians must seem very strange creatures. In one sense, outsiders sometimes think that we are those who “have it all together”. No longer sinners, but Saints. Yet in another sense, too often they see that we Christians not only “don’t have it all together”, we are sinners just like everyone else.

At times we Christians like to pretend to have it together when in fact the big difference between us and everyone else is that We Are Still Sinners, but We Are Saved By Grace. The difference between unbelievers and believers is that we Christians have put our hope in Jesus.

Smart Christians not only know they need God’s Mercy and Grace on a daily basis, they admit they have weaknesses, and with God’s help struggle to do better.

I know my own faults well. And they keep me more humble than I would be otherwise. I have a fiery temper. Always have. Along with it I have a sharp tongue. I mastered the art of cussing at a young age and still struggle with that habit. I can go weeks with hardly a bad word leaving my lips, but give me a rough week and a short fuse and we’re off to the races. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to pray about that.

There is a saying: If you think I’m bad now, you should have seen me before I became a Christian.

I became a Christian at a young age. But ours was not a religious home. Mom insisted we go to church so we could make up our own mind about God. We lived in a trailer park that was not the holiest place on earth. There was a guy who sold marijuana two trailers to our right. At the far end of the park lived several guys in a biker gang. Cussing, smoking, drinking, and drug use were regular occurrences in our neighborhood. Then there was a gay married couple (one guy wore a dress and pretended to be a woman during the ceremony. This was long before gay marriage) living across the road three trailers down. 

I remember once I asked the neighbor lady who would cut my hair to do my makeup as a character from the KISS rock band for a church halloween party. She got the gay guy who lived next to her to do my makeup. I was probably around fourteen years old at the time. Thinking about it today the irony is not lost on me: a gay guy puts makeup on the Christian kid to attend a church party. That’s enough to make some Christian heads explode.

I wrestled with God through my teenage years even as a believer. I didn’t really begin to get my act together until I was around twenty years old. I was still a Christian through those rough years with my teenage angst, but there was not a lot of fruit to show for it. Thankfully, we have a merciful loving Lord who is patient with us all.

There has always been pressure on Christians to act like they are better than they really are, especially in church and around other believers. Even when the truth is we are all far from perfect. We must walk a narrow road of standing with God and His Word when it comes to sin, and yet not lose sight of the fact none of us has fully reached that perfection on this side of heaven. How could we? We live in a sin sick world and are “housed” in a body affected by sin. 

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:8-9

None of this means we should not strive, with God’s help, to be better than we are on this earth. Indeed, We all need to grow up into the faith, that’s why scripture admonishes us to do better.

A few years ago I was in the McDonald’s drive-through. It’s a two lane situation and I had given my order and started to move up from my lane. The car in the lane next to me leapt forward and the driver ‘went off on me’. For several seconds I was ready to jump out of the car and let him know who was the first in line. I learned from a young age after being bullied that my response would no longer be “flight” but always “fight”. And that’s how I reacted. Somehow,  by God’s grace, I reigned in my temper and settled down. A little later, thinking it over, I started to laugh about the situation. Imagine a Christian in his fifties jumping out of his car at a McDonald’s drive-through and getting into a fist fight over who should get their Big Mac first. Like I said earlier: You should have seen me before I became a Christian.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we fail in many ways. Never let us lose sight of the importance of humility, and the amazing grace and mercy You have shown to us all. Amen.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

God Disciplines His Own

 God Disciplines His Own

“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline,

    and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,

 because the Lord disciplines the one he loves,

    and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” Hebrews 12:5b-6

Guys are sometimes jerks and like to give each other a hard time. That was what we were doing to a football player in our Autobody class at the vocational school during our senior year. Someone had come up with a lie trying to pull one over on the guy and I stupidly joined in. As we were trying to convince him of the lie I was shocked to hear the words said to convince him: “I swear to God”. They came out of my mouth. As a Christian there are a number of things you don’t do, and that was one of them.

A few hours later we were crowding the guy still giving him a hard time. There were three or four of us aggravating him when he drew back and threw a punch that landed square on my mouth. I didn’t hit him back. I knew instantly what had happened. God used that guy to teach me a lesson I should have already known. You don’t lie, and you never back that lie up by using an oath in God’s Name. I would add–and don’t give a football player a hard time.

I’ve been corrected by God a few times in my life. It is never pleasant. You don’t want to go through it. But we all sin and fall short of God’s glory, even those who are Christians. This side of heaven we are never free of the influence of the world, those around us, and our own human weaknesses. 

It is better to be corrected by God as His children than to be outside of His grace and mercy. There is no doubt God blesses and favors His children, but He also disciplines and corrects us. While not pleasant, His discipline shows that He cares about how we behave on this earth.

 It is a good idea to be aware of our weaknesses and faults and to stay on guard and wary of them. First we must be honest about our shortcomings. I know mine well. I try very hard to keep them in mind and avoid letting them get the best of me. We need God’s help to avoid sin. By relying upon God we make it less likely we will need correction, and hopefully over time our failings become less and less.

We have a loving Father who cares about us so much that He corrects us when we get off of course in our lives. Though discipline is unpleasant, the end result is beneficial.

Have you ever been corrected by God?

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Can Psalm 112 Drive Away Anxiety And Fear?

Praise the Lord.

Blessed are those who fear the Lord,

    who find great delight in his commands. Psalm 112:1

At the beginning of Psalm 112 God lays the groundwork for those who will be able to face even terrible fear and anxiety with faith and courage. Clearly God is marking out those who are His own. When you have a relationship with God you have an incredibly strong foundation to stand upon. It might seem strange that a verse helping you to overcome fear and anxiety begins with the fear of God. But we should take courage in our fear and reverence of God because when you fear God–you have nothing else to fear. Once you are in a reverent relationship with God, you are a child of the most powerful Being in the universe.  He has promised to help you. No terrible situation or event that you face can overcome Him.

Their children will be mighty in the land;

    the generation of the upright will be blessed.

Wealth and riches are in their houses,

    and their righteousness endures forever.

Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,

    for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.

Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely,

    who conduct their affairs with justice. Psalm 112:2-5

Being in a relationship with God changes us and prepares us to face life’s challenging events. Whether a sudden death in the family, terrible medical diagnosis, or looming financial disaster–no matter the situation–a believer can depend upon Jesus and His promises. Standing strong on His word empowers us with the faith we need in anxious situations. And frankly, it makes us better human beings.

Surely the righteous will never be shaken;

    they will be remembered forever.

They will have no fear of bad news;

    their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;

    in the end they will look in triumph on their foes. Psalm 112:6-8

Anxiety can come from fear that takes root and grows. It creates strongholds in our minds that grow so large we can lose sight of God. But if on the other hand we set down deep roots in God, placing our faith in Him and growing in wisdom because of our fear and respect for God (Psalm 111:10) we will be well armed in our battle with anxiety. And we will not be fighting alone.

Through faith and confidence in God our enemy anxiety will lose its hold over us. Our fears will melt away under the fiery light of God’s promise to protect and deliver us.

They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor,

    their righteousness endures forever;

their horn will be lifted high in honor.

The wicked will see and be vexed,

    they will gnash their teeth and waste away;

    the longings of the wicked will come to nothing. Psalm 112:9-12

Fear attacks us all from one corner or another. Yet the person who trusts in God can stand strong in the most fearful of situations, not because they feel like it, but because they have a trust in God greater than any fear that attacks and brings on a state of anxiety.

Prayer: Dear Lord, anxiety often tries to steal away our courage and trust in You. Help us to hold fast to a faith that delivers us from fear and anxiety. For You are our Defender and Deliverer. Thank You Jesus! Amen.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Bible Worth Dying For

Note: Your particular Bible version choice should never be used as a 'test of fellowship' in Christian circles, nor should you stop reading your current Bible version if it is the only version you are capable of reading and understanding. Almost any Bible version is better than reading no Bible at all.

Recently I saw an interview on TV with an author of a bestselling book about Jesus. This man stated that he once was an Evangelical who had been on fire for God, but then went to a Bible College and found out the Bible was not the true word of God, that it was full of errors and inaccuracies and not to be trusted or relied upon. When asked about his bestselling book regarding Jesus, the man stated how he believed Jesus was ignorant and could not even read and write. I was astounded at the stupidity of this bestselling author of a book about Jesus. Clearly the Bible states Jesus was literate: Luke 4:16-21.

We are in a very dangerous time for Christians. Many Christians no longer believe the Bible is the inspired word of God written by men under the influence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. They do not believe the Bible is reliable or true. They are ignorant of the fact that the Bible has the best physical evidence of any ancient text with over five thousand discovered manuscripts.

When I was a boy my Sunday School teacher gave me a Holy Bible, the King James Version. I knew when I held that sacred book in my hand I was holding the very words of God. I was awestruck, felt proud, honored, humbled, and considered that holy book a prized possession. I think for many Christians today that feeling is almost gone.

Recently the question came to my mind: “Would you die for your Bible?” The question took me aback. It is an honest question, martyrs all over the world have died for their Bible and are still dying for it. Would I die for mine? I started sorting my mind through my entire host of Bible versions and translations, and honestly, there are some I would not give up my life for. Would I die for a watered down “Message” Bible? No way! Like an equally bad “Voice Bible” these are impressions of what the Bible says rather than the actual word of God. How about one I really like, perhaps the New Living Translation? After some thought, I decided even though that book is not the literal, word-for-word, type of Bible I prefer, it is still essentially the word of God that I would die for. Then you bring up versions like the NIV Bible, because I really do like that one. But can I say that without a doubt, I would be willing to die for that Bible version? My conclusion was yes, though not as “strong” as I might like, it is still God’s word. But not every Bible version is worthy of dying for. If you water down God’s word to the point it barely resembles Holy Scripture, is it worth dying for?


This is why you should stick with a Bible you have confidence in. One that you know contains God’s word. One that is close to your heart and you hold fast in your mind. 

I believe the King James Version was the Gold Standard Bible. It is a very literal Bible. The closer you get to the original Greek and Hebrew words the closer you are to having the actual words of God given by the Holy Spirit. The literal translations are going to bring us closest to the word of God. The problem with Dynamic Equivalence (paraphrase) Bible versions is that no person, not even well educated Christians, are completely free of bias. They bring their ideas about doctrine, whether Calvinism or Arminian or something else that is preferred by them into their translation choices. They can't help but bring their preconceived beliefs with them when they are trying to decide what the text means instead of focusing on what the words are and what those words actually say. Some Bible translations, especially the paraphrase-dynamic equivalence versions, are almost commentaries of scripture rather than actual word-for-word scripture. Bibles like the NASB, ESV, and NKJV are very literal Bible versions. Plus they have updated English language and in the case of the ESV and NASB they had more discovered texts available to the translators than those of the KJV had available at that time. This explains the differences in text between the KJV and modern literal version Bibles.

The NIV is very popular, very easy to read, and despite what I have written so far, I'm not trying to bash this or other Bible versions. It shines brighter than most paraphrases, but it still is essentially a paraphrase itself. To get that light of God shining through the word brighter still, we need to get into the actual words of God. Now this sometimes makes for a harder to read translation, and it may take a bit more work for some people to understand a word-for-word translation, but for serious Bible study and preaching I believe it is time to strengthen the Biblical foundation of modern Christianity.

It is not wrong to give children or new converts easy to read paraphrase Bibles. You give milk to babies. They can grow from the light that comes through these versions, because even when some of these versions lessen the word God, the light still shines through in places of the text of these books. And some, like the NIV, frequently 'get it right' on many passages. But that doesn't change the fact that mature Christians need the meat of the word of God unvarnished by interpretation and biases that take us directly to the word of God.

Must every Bible be considered flawless to be labeled as the word of God? No, I don't think so. Once when I was reading a New King James Version Bible I found an actual typo in the scripture that the proofreaders missed, and I called Nelson Bible Publishers and told them about the error. As long as God allows humans to handle and distribute His word there is a chance for errors to creep in. But what I am talking about here is the approach to translating God's word. Not everyone respects the Bible, and sadly, too often, those involved in the textual criticism and translation of the Bible do not believe in the sacredness, or to use a theological term, the Plenary Inspiration of Scripture. In layman's terms, they don't believe the Bible is the God inspired, God preserved, and God delivered Holy Book from above.

We need to get as close as is possible to those Hebrew and Greek words of the Old and New Testament. We need those words moved over from the original languages to our English language as accurately as can be done. We need as little human intervention as possible to prevent errors from creeping in and biases from marring God's Sovereign word. Some of us believe in the doctrine of Sola Scriptura, Scripture Alone. This doctrine means that the Holy Bible alone contains all that is needed for salvation and knowledge of God. We believe the Bible alone is the source and authority for Christian doctrine and teaching. This does not mean that teachers, preachers, or apostles are not necessary, only that for the Christian the Bible itself is the sole authority for doctrine and Biblical truth. I think you can begin to see why the quality of the translation of the Bible is so important for us.

Almost any Bible version will shine some light from the original source. God can and has used even very weak, dimly lit, Bibles to help Christians grow. But quite often these weak translations do not even mention important doctrinal terms like Justification, Regeneration, Sanctification, Predestination, and other long held Biblical doctrines and ideas involved and needed for Christian growth, maturity, and the very foundation of Christian understanding and education from God's word.

The multitude of Bible versions has brought us greater understanding of God's word. We have Bible versions so easy to read that young children can understand the Bible better because of them. And yet, at the end of the day, the Christian must ask themselves: Where can I find God's actual word? Which Bible is so holy and sanctified that it would be worth dying for?

As mentioned, the King James Bible has proven itself over four centuries as blessed and used by God to bring multitudes to Christ. There is no question in my mind that it is truly God's word. Then there is the New King James Version Bible, with updated language that follows the wording of the King James Bible. The New American Standard Bible is my first choice for a literal Bible translation. I think the light shines brightly through it. It is a favorite of one of the best Bible teachers and preachers Charles Stanley. The English Standard Version is my second choice as  a very literal Bible. These Bibles I mention are those that I am most familiar with, there may be better or worse Bible versions not mentioned. These versions retain theologically important terms, and are also quite readable. I will mention three more popular Bibles. The New International Version has proven itself useful for many Christians over the past few decades. I think the light shines through it though it is not a strong literal translation. The Christian Standard Bible is also a middle of the road translation like the NIV between being literal and easy to read. It has been rising quickly through the ranks. Lastly, I will mention the New Living Translation. This Bible was updated in 2004 and seriously improved, bringing it much closer to the NIV in quality. Yet the NLT is still a paraphrase, or to put the nicer spin on it, Dynamic Equivalence Bible version. But the NLT can be useful.


I began my spiritual life with the King James Bible, and I still find it a reliable, proven, literal version of God's word in the English language even though the English is badly dated with words that have fallen out of modern use. Thankfully we have several worthy successors to the King James Bible.  But we need to be clear, not every Bible is equal, not every version is the literal word of God or even close to it. Some new Bible translation philosophies and commercial interests have pushed certain Bible versions into the forefront that do not always provide us with fully accurate translations for Bible teaching and doctrine, even if they may have some usefulness elsewhere. We need to have a Bible worth dying for. In various places in the world your Bible can get you killed. Just owning a Bible can mean your death. My question to you is: Are you sure the Bible you are using is worth dying for? 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Getting Excited Again

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 1 Peter 1:8

I had an English teacher who was about as exciting as a box of rocks. English was usually my best subject, not because I was a hard working student, but because it came easy to me. Yet my mind often drifted off while this teacher was speaking. But suddenly one day I heard excitement in her voice, so I perked up. She was talking about an author named J.R.R. Tolkien. This was long before any movies or anything else had put Tolkien or the Fantasy genre on the radar. Indeed, I knew nothing of the fantasy genre of books. But based upon Mr. Tolkien having sparked my teacher’s excitement, I searched out his books, then went on to discover other fantasy books, eventually becoming a lifelong fan of the genre.

Today the fantasy genre is awash with sub-genres and fantasy authors are as common as rain in April. You seldom find such excitement today as early fantasy fans who had been digging up old authors all the way back to the 1930s. They discovered just a few truly great authors in the genre. Today fans of the Fantasy genre have little new to get excited about. It seems like everybody has been there and done that.

I’m beginning to think Christianity for many has taken the same turn. When I was a teenager watching Pat Robertson on the 700 Club on my 19” black & white TV it was awesome to hear Jesus talked about on TV. When a friend told me about DeGarmo & Key, and Petra, I discovered Christian Rock in its infancy. It was an exciting time and it seemed Christianity was exploding across the scene. Only later did I learn I was reaping the blessings of the Jesus Movement that came out of the disillusioned Hippy Movement. Church buses were everywhere picking up kids when I was a boy and there was excitement about Jesus in the air. Today we have TV, Internet, Radio preachers that can hardly be counted. Christian Music is all over the radio and Christian artists are just a quick download away. We have perhaps a dozen or more different Bible translations today in so many styles and types it boggles the mind. Incredible compared to the King James Version I grew up with that came in either a “gift and award” cover or nice leather cover, perhaps some hardcover Bibles for the church pews for visitors.

My point is that too often today Jesus and the Gospel have become commonplace. Maybe you will go to church, but no big deal, if you miss it just catch the podcast or Youtube or Facebook recording later. Unlike myself as an eight year old boy holding the King James Bible in his hand like it was gold, you have Bible apps on your phone, iPad, perhaps half a dozen print Bibles  that were given to you or that you picked up over the years collecting dust on your shelf. Many people no longer carry Bibles to Church because the scripture reading is put up on the big screen above the Preacher during the sermon. 

I’m not judging anyone, I’m as guilty as anyone else of taking God’s blessings for granted. But it does mean a great deal to me when I can make it to church, and I still get excited finding something new in God’s Word that I had read a hundred times before but jumps out at me unexpectedly.

We are so blessed today we are almost bored with blessings. I think we see this time and again in the Bible when the Holy became commonplace to the Hebrew people. So what, we have manna from heaven to eat every day–where is the fried chicken? Water from a rock? Where is the wine? God thundering on the mountain? Soon they got bored and were making their own god, a golden calf.

Early America had several Great Awakenings. Revivals that reawakened the excitement for God in our early ancestors. I think we need another Great Awakening, or a series of Revivals. Sadly, Christianity today has become too easy, demanding too little of us. The gospel is so accessible today that you run into it without trying. Even some unbelievers can describe the essence of Christianity just from what they have heard and seen around them.

I expect Jesus is going to shake up and wake up, reignite and re-excite, His people soon. It may come through hardship or persecution. It may come through Evangelists who can cut through the dross in our commonplace Christianity and stir up the dying embers of the church today. 

Exited Christians, like that boring English teacher who suddenly became animated in my class that day, will fire up the world for Christ. Fire spreads quickly, it just needs some fuel.

Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Psalm 85:6

Until Revival stirs up our nation and people get excited again about Jesus and the things of God, we need to do our part as believers to stir ourselves up in the Spirit of God. We must keep the gospel message fresh in our hearts and never take for granted blessings that could be taken away from us. Those “boring days” of eating manna in the desert ended, but how the generations later would have given anything to taste that heavenly bread. Even now Christians in many nations would give anything for one of our ragged worn out Bibles. And to hear Christian Music on the radio is only a dream they may never see fulfilled. Most of us have churches within walking distance or a short drive from our homes. Those people have no churches and if they hold a meeting in their homes are subject to arrest. We are drowning in blessings in this country and we take it all for granted. Just more of the same old manna.

I grew up in a county where Christianity became mainstream. Christianity became cool. You couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting a Christian. All of our commonplace Christianity is just one generation away from disappearing either through neglect and disinterest, or some government authority sweeping it away. 

We may not individually be able to start a Revival or another Great Awakening, but we can stir up our own excitement, renew our joy, stir up the Spiritual Gift God has placed within us. We can become excited Christians. Just look around you at the myriad of blessings God has given to us. We have every reason to be excited.

I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 1 Timothy 1:5-6

Stir up the joy of your salvation. Rekindle that excitement you had when you first became a believer. Excitement is contagious. And there is no telling how many people might come to know Jesus as their Savior if they could only hear the excitement in your voice as you describe and talk about Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help our wells not to become stagnant but to be filled with clean clear water. Help us to quit treating as common the incredible gifts and blessings You have poured out on us and our country. Forgive us our lack of joy and excitement. Set a fire in our hearts that burns passionately for You. Amen.

Genesis Part 2 - Humanity

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, ...